
& Classes

  • Coda Community Choir

    Coda Community Choir is for everyone who enjoys great songs from musicals to pop and folk. You don't need to audition and your first week is free!

    7.15 - 8.30pm. Term Time Only

    For more information please call 01243 842150 07501923735 or email Visit our website on for more information

  • Trudy's Fab Fitness for 55+

    Runs weekly;

    Thursday’s 10.20-11.20am

    except 3rd Thursday of the month

    9.20 to 10.20


    Monday-10.20 to 11.20

    Friday 10.20 to 11.20

    Just turn up and enjoy - £5 'pay as you go'.

    Fun easy going Aerobics dance class to well known tunes. All levels accommodated. Aimed at 55+ - limber up and laugh with friends. No floor work involved. Come and give it a go!

    Contact Trudy


  • Pilates

    Fridays -

    9 to 10 am
    With Aleksandra Ellis
    T. 0782 4340214

    Aleksandra Ellis

  • Zumba

    Zumba is a fitness program that involves Cardio and Latin inspired dance as well as traditional pop music, burning a ton of calories without even realising it!

    Classes are £4, don’t forget to bring water and a mat

    18.30 to 19.30

    With April Lane
    T. 07768 202000

  • Clubbercise

    18.30 to 19.30

    With Claire White
    T. 07733 333630

  • Tap Dancing


    Beginners Class

    16.30 to 17.30


    Intermediate Class

    17.45 to 18.45

    if you would like to attend classes or have any questions, please email
    Rachel Hogarth

    07801 479941

    Taught by a first class honours degree graduate in Musical Theatre. (triple threat)

    Also 1-1 Singing Lessons

    For all ages and abilities

    Taught by a first class honours degree graduate in Musical Theatre with a DBS check

  • Judo

    Judo is a system of unarmed combat, modern Japanese martial art

    19.30 to 21.15

    With Mike Pring
    T. 07973 196409

  • Rainbows & Brownies


    (Term Time Only)

    Rainbows - 16.00 to 17.00 1st, 3rd and 4th Monday Pearl Green

    Brownies - 17.00 to 18.00

    Gill Lovell

    Contact details;

  • Bingo

    Open 7.00 pm to start at 8.00 pm

    With Pam Dobson
    T. 01243 376698

  • Women's Institute

    14.00 to 16.00
    2nd Thursday of the month

    With Mo Grummitt
    Southbourne WI

  • Upbeat Community Singers

    10.30 to 12.00

    With Caroline Cox
    T. 07976 572972

    All welcome - no music reading needed!

  • Sewing Groups

    3rd Thursday of each month

    10.30 to 14.30
    3rd Weds of the month (Closed group)
    With Ellie Turnbill


    2nd Thursdays of each month

    10.00 to 13.00
    Marigold Sewing Group - (Closed group)
    With Janice Collett

  • Stitch Friendzy

    Machine Embroidery Group


    Closed Group
    10.00 to 15.00
    3rd Saturday of the month




    07923 013185

  • Dog Rally


    9.30 - 10.30 & 10.30 - 11.30

    Jacky runs 2 groups. Anyone is welcome, we are a sociable, community group, you & your dog work as a team.

    Dogs can be any age or size & need to be able to do basic moves - like being able to walk roughly to heel (treats definitely allowed!)

    With Jacky Burden
    T. 07748983383

  • Pilates


    7.00 to 8.00 pm

    Pilates by Vicky Ashby

    Pilates is exercise that focuses on balance, posture, strength and flexibility.

    Contact Vicky on


  • Pilates and Corrective Exercise


    8.20 to 9.20 am

    5pm to 6pm.

    Pilates offers a multitude of benefits for both physical and mental well-being. It strengthens and tones muscles, particularly those in the core, leading to improved posture, flexibility, and overall body alignment. The controlled movements and emphasis on proper breathing promote relaxation and stress reduction, enhancing mental clarity and focus. Additionally, Pilates is gentle on the joints, making it suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, while still providing a challenging workout that can aid in injury prevention and rehabilitation. With regular practice, Pilates fosters a balanced body, heightened body awareness, and increased vitality, contributing to a healthier and more vibrant lifestyle.

    Bookable as pay as you go or six week blocks, book is essential.

    contact Hannah on 07984367888 or email

  • Armchair Pets

    Monthly Sundays to 1.00pm

    Talking Dog Rally Obedience for competition and fun. All Levels.

     For dogs with basic training who’s handlers want to enjoy the sport of Rally.




    Home 02393 383357 mobile 07930 732634

  • RAB Pilates

    Monday 09:05-10:05

    Friendly Pilates classes run by Rachael, a Body Control Pilates certified teacher. The mixed ability nature of the classes mean you can work at the level most suitable for your body within a supportive environment.

    Pilates increases your bodily awareness to enable you to become conscious of how you are moving, learning transferable skills that compliment your everyday activities so you can move with integrity and care, reducing the risk of injury.

    Pilates is a great compliment to other physical endeavours such as running, weight lighting, swimming, golf, tennis, gardening – you name it – Pilates will help!

    Rachael is also part of The Society for the Pilates Method, which recognises the highest level of training and quality teaching meaning you will be in safe hands!



  • Kinetic Kids

    Physical activity classes with a specialist PE teacher. All sessions will focus on key fundamental movement skills which are essential in early years as they lay the foundation for an active lifestyle, long term health, and more complex skills required for future development.  

    5 ways physical development impacts children's lives as they grow, these in include; fine motor skills, gross motor skills, brain awareness, hand-eye coordination, and body and spatial awareness. 

    Flexible booking. 

    Sibling discount available.

    Friday 12.45 to 1.30pm

    With Louise Williams