Policy On Public Interest Disclosure
(Whistle Blowing Policy)
Southbourne Village Hall committee is committed to ensuring the highest possible standards of care and the highest possible ethical standards in delivering the services it provides.
This policy demonstrates the Committee’s commitment to recognise and take action in respect of malpractice, illegal acts or omissions by the Committee members, Hall users and/or volunteers.
It is the responsibility of all committee members and volunteers to ensure that if they become aware that the actions of other committee members, Village Hall users or volunteers might compromise this objective, they will be expected to report the matter in the safe knowledge that this matter will be treated seriously and sensitively.
Scope of The Policy
The policy applies to all Committee members, Village Hall staff and volunteers. Situations may arise when it is not appropriate or the “concerned” person feels unable to report incidents to the most “available” committee member. These may include:
Malpractice or ill-treatment of a child, young person and/or vulnerable adult.
Suspected fraud.
A criminal offence is, has or is likely to be committed.
Disregard for legislation e.g. health and safety legislation.
Damage to the environment.
This list is not exhaustive.
Procedure for Reporting
All committee members and volunteers who reasonably believe they have concerns as described on the complaints form are encouraged to discuss them with the person(s) involved.
In certain cases, it is recognised that individuals may be reluctant to voice their concerns, particularly if the conduct or action of a colleague is involved. If this situation is applicable, the person is requested to discuss their concerns with the chairman of the Village Hall committee.
The Committee will do its utmost to ensure that a “concerned” person feels able to raise such concerns confidentially and without fear of subsequent action being taken against them.
In all cases, the “concerned” person has the right to discuss their concerns with the chairman or if appropriate the Vice-Chair of the Village Hall committee.
All committee members and volunteers are reminded of their obligations with regard to confidentiality and to only discuss concerns on “a need to know basis”.
Committee Responsibilities
These are as follows:
Take the concern seriously.
Consider the issues fully and sympathetically.
Recognise that raising a concern can be a difficult experience for some.
Seek advice where necessary.
Treat the matter confidentially.
Reassure the “concerned” person about protection in the event of possible reprisals or victimisation. The “concerned” person will receive an initial written response within five working days, including details of any further action to be taken, and a full written response within seven working days of the completion of the investigation.
If the “concerned” person is not satisfied with the outcome, the committee recognises the right of individuals to pursue the matter further. The full committee would be called together to consider the concerns. Confidentiality is a priority in such sensitive situations, if the concerns were about the Chairman, the vice-chair, Roger Gowlett would consider the complaint.
Last updated 26/11/2023